03 June 2010

Goldman Sachs on the World Cup's Economic Impact

For those of you interested in some heavy reading about business and international soccer competitions, Goldman Sachs has published a detailed (read: 75 page) country-by-country report on just that subject.

The report also includes some non-financial trivia regarding the history of the World Cup. Link to PDF below (h/t to friend and reader Tara):

The World Cup and Economics 2010

  • Soccer juggernaut Brazil also leads the pack in Goldman Sachs' Growth Environment Scores (GES) for sustainable growth and productivity.
  • There is a small but significantly positive correlation between GNP and World Cup success.
  • Goldman Sachs (like everyone else) favors Brazil to win it all, followed by Spain and Germany. The US ranks 9th in championship probability.
(Photo Credit: Soccer TV)

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